Friday, 11 February 2022

The Role of PPC in Digital Marketing Strategy

My Geek Score: The first thing to know about PPC is that it isn’t a one-trick pony. It’s a mixture of advertising, content marketing, and link building.

PPC is usually used in the marketing funnel. The PPC company will do the analysis, create the ad, target your audience and pay you when they bring in a sale or if they get you more traffic to their site.
The ads are usually paid per thousand impressions (CPI) meaning that the advertiser pays you for every thousand impressions that their ad appears on your website, blog, or other digital media platform.
For example:
The website “” has an ad on it for its premium service which costs $4.95/month or $29 per year. The ads are placed by an online advertising agency known as Google AdWords (Google).
You can see from this example that there are three things happening:
1) The company has been paid to advertise its product/service as well as get more people interested in it through its advertorial content and social media marketing efforts such as Facebook and Twitter posts
2) The company is paying Google to place the advertisements on their website (the same way we all pay for Facebook clicks)
3) The advertisement costs $4.95 which means there is a profit for this PPC campaign of around $29 per year, assuming that the site gets 20% of visitors using any of the money spent on advertisements (which can be generous considering how many people visit our site).
This may seem like an unusual way to earn money but it’s not unusual at all in business; everyday companies promote products/services by placing advertisements on print newspapers and TV networks alike, with no end goal other than to make money for themselves through advertising revenues; this is known as PPC (Pay per click).
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The Role of PPC in Digital Marketing Strategy

My Geek Score:  The first thing to know about PPC is that it isn’t a one-trick pony. It’s a mixture of advertising, content marketing, and l...